NDAS Update: Custom Covers and Satellite Pages
We have officially opened to custom cover work, as several such projects are already on-going. See “Covers >> About… >> Custom” for starting details. Until we create an official form for submitting custom cover needs and requesting a price quote, please use the “Contact” section. We are quite happy to discuss all concerns, and you are under no commitment until you choose to hire us.
We hope to official open to print and ebook layout services by the end of the month. If you have preliminary questions about this, feel free to contact us.
Along the way, we established two new satellite pages for our ongoing news; links have been added to the “Follow” tab in the right column of our main site. If you are on “Wordpress.com” or “Tumblr.com”, you now have a convenient way to keep up on happenings at NDAS.