Hourly rates; differing manuscripts of the same word count require different time per service based on author skill with prose. Services desired must be applied separately in the following order through “Tracked Changes”:
- 1. Line/Copy Edit
Manuscript format required. Effective structure / clarity plus spelling, punctuation & grammar.
- 2. “Content” Proofread
Manuscript format required. Pre-layout text content refinement.
- 3. Layout [Print/eBook]
No “editing” processes applicable.
- 4. “Product” Proofread [Print/eBook]
ePUB and/or Print export to PDF required; if you need assistance with this process, then contact us for instructions.
For Print, name & URL of press required. Layout structure and textual review. Corrections by industry standard ACNs [Author Change Notes] in a separate document [DOC, ODT, etc.].
For eBook Only Releases, a PDF export comes before ePUB/ebook creation. We will advise on this process; it is not as complicated as assumed.
For ordering, payment and delivery, see “About >> Your Order.” When ready to order, see “Contact >> NDAS”
How It Works
After invoice & payment, submit textual content in manuscript format only; no embedded graphics. Indicate text's English standard (US, GB, AU, etc.).
Suggested changes and comments are entered in recorded “track changes” within your manuscript file; permanent changes are never entered. For Structural Editing, subject matter vs. prose content is handled through additional documents.
Other documents may be included based on mode of editing.
Edited manuscript [with any additional documents] is returned via email in DOC and ODT format.
Review and apply your own edits on top of the editor's for layered refinement. When finished, accept (commit) or reject (delete) edits through “track changes,” individually or all at once.
ATTENTION: You do not need Microsoft Word. See “Resources: Office” for free, open source alternatives that can open a DOC(X) file as well as many (many) others.
Your NDAS editor is available for consultation during and after completion; use our contact email and address your editor by name.
If uncertain of your, then contact NDAS. We are happy to advise you.