Custom Book Covers

Billed per 1/4 hour or portion ($7.50 USD); minimum $30 USD. Contact NDAS with details & needs plus web URL of chosen press for print editions. Includes:

  1. Print/eBook Cover Layout; PDF for print (specify format + press)
  2. eBook Front Cover [JPG] exported fromt Print Layout
  3. Title Page Graphic [PNG, B&W] for ebook and/or print interior

If development time runs short of estimate, we guarantee you pay for only hours / materials applied (minimum $60 USD). Development will never exceed 150% of estimate so long as client follows process requirements and does not change initial instructions mid-process. [Read “How” now and then ask questions.]

Cover Setup & Development

Master template is 300ppi; 600ppi development is available, if your stock imagery supports this resolution. 3:2 ratio for quick adaptation to other formats, as well as for HiRes/­Retina-Ready ebook covers. Ordering for one different ratio — for print and/or ebook — does not affect price.

For ordering, payment and delivery, see “About >> Your Order.” When ready to order, or if you have additional questions, contact NDAS.

See also Artify Your Book Cover!

How It Works

  1. We will examine selected imagery online to advise. After invoice & deposit, submit the following via email:

    • URL addresses to specific image stock you will purchase by our instructions.

      Do not email graphics copied from the web. Send the URL [web address] in plain text.

    • filenames for NDAS stock to use (as selected from previously provided thumbnail PDFs); Ask about free use of 1 NDAS stock image per cover order.

    • font names by text element applicable;

    • all textual content in 1 word processor file (DOC, ODT, RTF, etc.).

  2. The designer confirms requirements specified during consultation and/or ordering.

    • For print, templates & spec.s are acquired from your press. See Template [& Specifications] for further details.

    • For ebook only, 3:2 ratio; those with print editions use the print front cover [only]; both at 2048px vertical.

    • Title page graphic [optional] looks better than text in both print and ebook.

  3. Upon initial assembly, a half-size proof is provided for review and refinement instructions. Repeat upto 3 times based on your original instructions; deviation into new design (in part or whole) may require re-invoicing for additional work BEFORE project completion.

  4. Upon your final approval or use of all 3 revision phases, additional products/services requiring your cover (Social Graphics, Mock-ups, etc.) are assembled as purchased.

  5. Your cover and other materials in the invoice are delivered at the same time.

PSD (Photoshop CC) Master File

  1. Included in single orders totaling $200+ USD; at our discretion on lower priced orders.

  2. If NDAS stock images [1 or more] are used, they are merged with other graphic layers to protect our purchased image stock rights.

  3. If only 1 NDAS stock image is used, it will be merged with text layers to protect our purchased image stock rights.


  • Image elements provided by you are never reused by NDAS. They are archived with your project files for 1 year from completion should you need additional products/services related to the cover.

  • Image elements licensed to / provided by NDAS will not be included in delivered materials.

  • NDAS does not guarantee against stock image elements being acquired/­used by other cover designers, authors or anyone else. No cover designer working with purchased stock imagery can legally make this guarantee.



NDAS covers require attribution at the end of the copyright page of any and all print and/or ebook editions in which they appear:

Cover Design by
N.D. Author Services [NDAS]

If you purchased other services related to the specific format of a publication, then combined services applicable (Editing, Print Layout, etc.) must appear in the first line of the same attribution.

Templates & Specifications

If templates and specifications for your chosen press are publicly available, we will acquire them or may already have them. If not publicly available through a non-purchasing login account, then you must:

  1. acquire templates/spec.s through your own login account, and
  2. deliver them to NDAS.

We will always advise/help you as much as is possible. We will not use your press account to login, which is often illegal and can result in the termination of your account, as well as:

  1. expose your private information in the press system to others, and/or
  2. make NDAS a suspect for criminal use of your account by others, and/or
  3. subject you and/or NDAS to civil/criminal prosecution by your press.