NDAS Site Updates
We took a little time out to make updates to the site for increased convenience and organization. We are also (finally) presenting some additional secondary products / services with further additions and adjustments to come.
Book Cover Products and Services (Covers: About…)
Some (sub)sections have been revised. In particular, you might look at the new breakdown for “Custom (Book Covers).”
Custom Book Cover Query (Covers: Custom)
A few minor adjustments were made to this extensive form, which covers both ebook and print book cover options. Little of the form is required to begin discussion (without commitment).
While some people are used to merely using a contact form when working with a cover designer, we feel this form helps focus discussion efficiently by starting us off with your basic information and needs. This form is secure and encrypted for your protection.
Promotional Graphics Packages (Covers: Promo Graphics)
Starting off with “Social: Basic” and “Social: Standard,” there is a listing and preview of their contents; some are free with a Premade and/or Custom (e)book cover from N.D. Author Services. There is also a way to purchase these for any cover from another designer, service, or publisher that shares your cover graphic with you.
“Submit Your Instructions”
This is a hidden multi-part form to which you will be taken at NDAS after a purchase through PayPal. Selectable subsections allow you to immediately submit needed instructions for some products and services just purchased. The rest is self-explanatory, if you take a peek, but please do not use it until after a purchase. This form is secure and encrypted for your protection.
About N.D. Author Services (About)
A few people asked to “see” who is behind NDAS; current images of Barb and J.C. have been added to this page. You can now put a face to the names of the two who own / managed our operation.
Other staff from around the globe will not be shared publicly. J.C. is a fire breather/eater when it comes to privacy and protecting those who work with/for him in any way, including you and any other client. We like that about him… and Barb keeps him inline.
LinkedIn on the Share Bar
Every article published (as well as many site pages) has a sharing bar at the bottom. While we have warned you about rampant misinformation in author sections of LinkedIn, it was pointed out to us that changing such requires action by those with better intensions.
Well, we listened, because you are right about that. LinkedIn has been added to share bars on the site. (If not present yet, the bar should update shortly.) You can now help us help others—and of course promote NDAS, if and only when you think we deserve it.
What’s to Come
These updates (with more to come) delayed other work around NDAS. We now return to regularly scheduled offerings, including more Premade Book Covers and the next installment of “The Challenge of Promoting.” Watch for the latter in the next 48 hours.