Coming (Again) Soon…
More changes are in the works at NDAS, though not as yet in our site’s general offerings of services and products. These steps have to do with what is already ongoing…
NDAS is making the switch to using IFTTT for news and article notice delivery to our social and blog-based satellite pages and sites. This will take further refinement, as each destination requires customization in both the delivered content format and the individual site styling and layout. Some of you may be reading this news as delivered through IFTTT. Please bear with us during the process, but also feel free to report any anomalies you spot via our “Contact” section on the main NDAS site.
We will close down our satellite page within the next 72 hours. That system is a Wordpress spin off run by a new blog service startup we thought we would try for a while. It has had continuous problems with ISP, NDS, and/or local system failures, including total loss of URL routing several times. In addition, it produces less than 3% of all traffic to NDAS and is the most problematic of all of our satellites and pages for delivering content to its system.
NOTE: At this time, and for those who are only now looking at establishing a web presence as covered in “The Challenge of Promoting,” we recommend against the use of
Premade Covers, Sold or Not
Starting soon, we will make a change concerning listings in the “Gallery of Premade Book Covers.” When a premade cover is purchased, the original (and not the author customized version) will be marked as “sold” and remain in the gallery for up to 1 year. Diverse covers on display are what authors look at first before continuing on any “Custom Covers” at NDAS or elsewhere. Maintaining diversity helps in this and has done so for us already.
NOTE: Whether or not the customized version of the purchased premade cover is given notice through NDAS is up to the author. We will not display such unless the author chooses for us to do so. Some covers sold in the last two days will be marked by tomorrow.
Advice Delayed
Our next advice series, “Seven Demons, Six Imps: Creative Process and the Truth About Writer’s Block” is on hold until after the first of the year. While more than one member of NDAS contributes to these offerings, J.C. is the primary or managing editorialist for all of them. He is currently back-logged in his author’s work with a looming deadline.
Also delayed are the ebook versions of previous NDAS advice series, but they will come. When they do, we will explain more about their “living document” status and what that means for you.