PRESS RELEASE: Autumn Awe Blank Books for the Season
While we are already halfway into Fall, there's something here for seasonal and or holiday use. Get into the spirit before the holidays roll in...
45+ unique cover designs in 3 formats: 365 Day Journal/Diary, 150 pg. lined Notebook, and 150 pg. Grid Notebook. All trade paperback sized, with blank table of contents and fully numbered main matter. There's even a title page you can fill in yourself.
Use them throughout the season... or longer, of course. Use them for a guest or memories book at a holiday feast. Use them for... well, anything that appeals to you at hearth and home!
To learn more and find current purchase points, browse the NDAS “Bookshop.” There are now about 600 (and rising) variations across all current series of “NDAS Blank Journals/Diaries/Notebooks.”
Yes, that's down from the previous press release count of 900+ because we retired several series, which are even now being rebuilt and redesigned for re-upload. We will crest 1000 variations by Thanksgiving and much [much] more by Christmas, Solstice and New Year.