Ch-Ch-Changes (email)

Recent changes to Goo­gle Mail se­cur­ity have shown an in­crease in pri­vacy in­va­sion and track­ing. This will not be to­ler­at­ed, as we val­ue cli­ent pri­vacy as much as our own.

You can still con­tact NDAS through this site's Con­tact Form; we will re­ply via our new ad­dress es­ta­blished in a bun­kered facil­ity in Swit­zer­land ( There­by you will re­ceive our new email ad­dress out­side of Goo­gle's con­trol.

Thank you for your pa­tience as we work step-by-step to re­duce Goo­gle's spy­ing and other in­ter­fer­ance with our—and your—ne­ces­sary pri­vacy and per­son­al se­cur­ity.