PRESS RELEASE: Life's a Beach
With writers and authors on staff trapped so long at workstations, good grief, do we need a break! So it is time for some fun with a new NDAS product line…
NDAS 365 Blank Journals
Our first in a multi-series line of blank books for any need is “Life's a Beach.” Yes, you can interpret that series title multiple ways. In separate corners around the globe, we cannot get away right now—separately or together—but we can dream and write until it happens. So can you and later remember any inspirations that came during your escape.
To learn more and find current purchase points, browse the NDAS “Bookshop.” Additional vendors will be added once we have time do so; links at are pending. There are about 400 variations soon to come in an additional 7 other lines of journals.
If you know of other purchase points we should consider, then drop us a note. We are looking for legitimate PODs and not vanity presses masquerading as such (, etc.). All suitable suggestions are welcome.